
Don’t Wait Too Long Before You Call For Sewer Pipe Repair

Don’t Wait Too Long Before You Call For Sewer Pipe Repair

Not only is DIY a bad idea regarding sewer pipe repair, but you also need to be sure you are getting your piping fixed sooner than later. Our crew at Clearline Sewer Repair often gets calls from area customers who have an emergency with their sewer piping. In most cases, such an emergency could’ve been avoided with regular inspections or short repair work.

Main Reasons DIY Sewer Repair Work Goes Wrong

There are plenty of reasons DIY sewer repairs can go wrong, including:

  1. Lack of equipment and experience – Our Clearline Sewer Repair team has been fully trained and boasts countless hours of hands-on experience to get the job done right the first time. We also bring all the right equipment to each project, which many property owners cannot access.
  2. Additional damage – Without the training and equipment, many things might go wrong with DIY sewer projects. You could have a sewer backup into your home or overflowing into a neighbor’s yard. With the possibility of enhanced damage with a DIY, you are looking at even higher costs when calling professionals for a repair.
  3. Code requirements – Remember that a DIY sewer repair could violate public works and local building codes. While you can apply for permits on your own, sewer work is rarely as simple as it may seem on the surface.

Clearline Sewer Repair

We are here for sewer camera inspections and hydrojetting to clear away any debris to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue you are experiencing. You can count on us to get to the heart of the problem and put together a detailed estimate for any required sewer repair work to get your system up and running smoothly.

Don’t wait! Call 206-590-3881 to talk with us at Clearline Sewer Repair about setting up a time for sewer pipe repair.