
UV curing makes trenchless pipelining an even better solution for broken sewer pipes

UV curing makes trenchless pipelining an even better solution for broken sewer pipes

Pipe failures are inevitable. Even with modern materials, the life expectancy of underground pipes is about 50 years, at best.

Pipe failures are inevitable. Even with modern materials, the life expectancy of underground pipes is about 50 years, at best.
And there’s never a good time for sewer line failure. Only bad times and worst times. At the worst times, help can’t get there for a day or more. And if you’re using traditional repair methods, you’re looking at a full day for repairs — minimum.
Faster service, better results
Trenchless makes sewer line failures a little less painful, both logistically and financially. Here’s how it works: a new liner is coated in resin, inverted into the existing pipe using compressed air, and cured in place. This creates a brand-new, fully functional pipe inside the existing one. And it all takes place in a matter of hours, without heavy equipment and without tearing up your yard.
Now, UV curing methods make the process even faster. In the past, we were using heat-assisted curing methods. State-of-the-art curing equipment is whittling curing times down to about 1/5 of previous methods.
Before, trenchless repairs would get your sewer lines back in business in less than a day. But byrunning UV lights down the newly installed pipe, we can accelerate the curing. That means your system will be usable within mere hours of us getting there.
There’s no downside, either. Just a faster curing time. Moving forward, we plan to use UV curing on every trenchless job. That means our customers will get back to life as usual, as fast as possible.
Clearline Sewer Repair is committed to finding and implementing the best equipment on the market, in order to provide our customers with the best value we can.
Our trenchless equipment allows us to provide the following services, without excavating your yard:
—pipe inspections and diagnosis
—pipe cleanings
—clearing of blocked/obstructed pipes
—trenchless repairs
—installation of new lengths of pipe inside existing pipelines
—fast, thorough and cost effective service
If your pipes are damaged, problematic or nearing the end of their life expectancy, you can get ahold of us by filling out one of our contact form here.