
When is Hydro Jetting the Ideal Solution?

Hydro jetting machine Seattle, WA
Hydro jetting machine Seattle, WA

Drain maintenance should be a regular activity to keep your pipe lines clean and clear of clogs. There are a few main ways to do drain cleaning in Seattle, WA. You can use DIY methods such as plungers and hot water flushing. The more professional approach of drain snaking is also effective.

Today we focus on another method that may be more effective than DIY solutions. Hydro jetting is a form of drain cleaning that uses pressurized water to clear blockages.

Here are common plumbing instances when it is the perfect solution.

It Removes Tough Blockages

Sometimes, a clogged drain can be tough to de-clog depending on the cause. In some cases, DIY solutions won’t work. That’s when hydro jetting becomes an effective solution.

Pressurized water jet streams are powerful enough to clear stubborn blockages. It’s also safer than chemical drain cleaners or DIY tools, as both can damage your pipes.

It Prevents Clogs

Regular drain maintenance is important. It keeps clogs and blockages from developing in your drain pipes and sewer lines. Hydro jetting is the perfect maintenance tool. It’s both safe and effective for your plumbing and sewer system. Ask your drain cleaning company about it.

For Cleaning Sewer Lines

Hydro jetting is perfect for cleaning your sewer lines. It is powerful against major causes of clogging while keeping it intact from damage. It also pushes out all the cleared debris and blockages out and into the sewers. You may also use it along with drain snaking to clear stubborn blockages away.

Removing Sewage Smells

Aside from being an effective drain cleaner, hydro jetting also removes sewer stink. The jet stream strips away any remnants of the wastewater and washes it all into the sewers. You’re left with clean and cleared-out pipes without damage to your plumbing.

Clearline Sewer Repair offers hydro jetting for drain cleaning services. We’ve used it as a proven and effective method for many plumbing applications over the years. Call us today!

The Key Benefits of Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting machine

Hydro jetting machine

Drain cleaning in Everett, WA is an important part of plumbing maintenance. There are different methods to do it, with varying results. Depending on what the causes and issues are, some methods may be safer and more effective.

That said, hydro jetting is one of the most preferred types of drain cleaning. You may want to consider it over other methods for its useful benefits we’ll discuss today.

Removes the Most Stubborn Clogs

A clogged drain in the kitchen can be the result of built-up grease, food particles, and other debris. In the case of your bathroom, it can come from accumulated hair, soap scum, and other particles.

Hydro jetting uses powerful pressurized water jet streams that push out these clogs. They wash away into your sewers and septic tanks without effort. You can also use it with drain snaking for a more thorough declogging.

Safer Than Chemical Drain Cleaners

Sure, you may have used commercial chemical drain cleaners before. They are somewhat effective. But these items can corrode your plumbing and damage it over time.

Chemical cleaners will end up in sewers and septic tanks. They destroy the good bacteria that break down wastewater. The toxic chemicals end up in wastewater treatment facilities and natural water sources.

It’s Cost-effective Maintenance

Hydro jetting is a cost-effective way to maintain clean and clear drain pipes. You only need it once or a few times a year. Compared to other drain cleaning services, it’s also faster and more effective.

Prevents Future Clogs

Using hydro jetting for drain maintenance will help keep your pipes free-flowing. It remains one of the safest ways to keep drains clog-free without damaging them. Chemical cleaners and DIY tools can damage your pipes.

Hydro jetting has more benefits and is more effective than other forms of drain cleaning. It works for most types of clogging and blockages and does not cause pipe damage or health risks.

Clearline Sewer Repair is your local trusted drain cleaning company. We’ve used hydro jetting with great success over the years. Call us for all kinds of plumbing and sewer services today.