Storms can be scary forces of nature, but what about the aftermath? Too much rain could flood your storm drain, resulting in a nasty overflow that wreaks havoc on your property. However, courtesy of Clearline Sewer Repair, scheduling storm drain cleaning is a smart way to ensure your storm drain doesn’t pose a risk or hazard to your home and yards.
Different seasons have different effects on your storm drain. Autumn, for instance, could clutter your drain with fallen leaves, while springtime is all pollen and mud. However, winter is the worst on your storm drain because the debris from summer, springtime, and autumn can freeze and ice over, creating solid blocks of clogs that could break down your drain altogether.
Our team at Clearline Sewer Repair encourages you to get your storm drain cleaned once per year, usually before winter to cut down on the risk of having frozen clogs. A storm drain aims to channel the water safely and securely from rainstorms and floods into drainage systems for dispersal. If your storm drain is clogged, it creates a rift in the drainage system, and it could affect the rest of the drains in your neighborhood if left unattended for too long.
Can You Schedule Storm Drain Cleanings More Than Once Per Year?
In some cases, if there’s been a record high of rainfall in a particular area, homeowners will schedule storm drain cleanings two to three times per year. That’s okay, too, because it cuts down on the extent of work at annual cleanings, but it’s usually unnecessary for your drain to be deep cleaned more than once per year.
To learn more about scheduling storm drain cleaning, please give Clearline Sewer Repair a call at 206-590-3881. We are happy to walk you through the care and maintenance of your storm drain!