
Look To Us For Septic To Sewer Conversion

Look To Us For Septic To Sewer Conversion

How does septic to sewer conversion work? Is this something you need for your home or commercial building? Contacting our skilled and certified technicians at Clearline Sewer Repair will give you all the answers you’re looking for.

  • Did you know that many homeowners opt to invest in septic to sewer conversion because of the maintenance-free benefits?

What is Involved in This Conversion?

The process for septic to sewer conversion is rather straightforward. The crew digs up the property waste pipe under the septic system, and the home then works to re-route the line to the municipal sewer system.

However, it might not always be this simple as there can be mature trees, vegetation, swimming pools, patios, and other obstructions in the way. There might also be the need to dig a portion of the sidewalk on public property.

As for your current septic, our technicians pump it dry, bore a hole into the bottom, and crush it, filling it up to grade level with gravel and dirt.

These are some common advantages of septic to sewer conversion:

  • Increase Property Value – Potential home buyers could be put off looking at a home that runs via a septic tank. This could be considered a negative due to the need for maintenance and repairs.
  • Fewer Odors – Septic systems are known for putting out odors around the home, especially if there is a septic backup.
  • Legalities – In some areas, you might be unable to expand your home, add a patio or pool over, or close to a septic system.

Clearline Sewer Repair is the team you want for septic to sewer conversion. Call us at 206-590-3881 to book a consultation and estimate.